Special Offers

My Perfect Love
My Perfect Love

Teleflora's One Fine Day
Teleflora's One Fine Day

Ocean Devotion
Ocean Devotion
Single flowers and bouquets make the perfect present for almost any occasion, spanning weddings to funerals. Whether you choose a solitary long-stemmed red rose or a striking bouquet of assorted blooms, you can express an array of emotions that words do not always easily succeed in conveying.
Unsure of what color or type of flowers to present to your loved one? Reach out to our expert florists to make the most appropriate selection for each occasion.
So, if you know someone recovering at the Saint Vincent Hospital? Send them a bouquet of daisies as they signify health and recovery.
Want to show gratitude to your favorite pastor at the Trinity United Church? Pink carnations would be perfect for bringing a smile on his face.
Recent Products

Life Celebration Basket
Life Celebration Basket
Life Celebration Basket
$94.95Celebrate a life well lived and honor their passing with this serene basket arrangement of purple hydrangea, lavender and white roses and baby's breath....

Radiant Foliage Planter
Radiant Foliage Planter
Radiant Foliage Planter
$89.95Fresh cut pink Asiatic lilies brighten assorted foliage plants in a ceramic dishgarden to honor their life, send your deepest sympathy and hope for the days ahead. Style of container may vary depending on availability. Appropriate for the family's home or the funeral home....

The Peace Lily
The Peace Lily
The Peace Lily
$94.95The Peace Lily is a popular arrangement to send a message of tranquility and serenity. White blossoms emerging from dark leaves set in a natural wicker basket convey lasting peace and elegance....

Enduring Spirit Pothos Basket
Enduring Spirit Pothos Basket
Enduring Spirit Pothos Basket
$74.95Honor their memory for years to come with a 6 inch trailing Pothos in a wicker basket. The Pothos plant does not require much light and is easy to maintain, yet it is lush, vibrant, and grows fast, making it an ideal and lasting condolence sentiment. Appropriate for the family's home or the funeral...

Girls Are Great!
Girls Are Great!
Girls Are Great!
$74.95The Girls Are Great! Bouquet is blooming with sweet love to congratulate the new family on their darling baby girl! White roses, white Peruvian lilies, pink carnations, pink matsumoto asters, pink Asiatic lilies and lush greens are beautifully arranged in a round whitewash woodchip basket. Presented...

Boys Are Best! Bouquet
Boys Are Best! Bouquet
Boys Are Best! Bouquet
$74.95The Boys Are Best! Bouquet is blooming with sweet love to congratulate the new family on their darling baby boy! Lavender roses, blue iris, lavender carnations, lavender daisies, white Asiatic lilies and lush greens are beautifully arranged in a round whitewash woodchip basket. Presented with a Myla...

Sweet Surprises Bouquet
Sweet Surprises Bouquet
Sweet Surprises Bouquet
$69.95The Sweet Surprises Bouquet is an absolutely charming way to send your warmest sentiments. Deep fuchsia spray roses, pink mini carnations, white traditional daisies and lush greens are sweetly situated in a classic clear glass vase accented with a perfectly pink designer ribbon to create a bouquet t...

Spirit of Spring
Spirit of Spring
Spirit of Spring
$64.95Capture the Spirit of Spring with this traditional bouquet. A handled bamboo basket holds bold purple iris and statice that defer to lemon yellow Asiatic lilies, soft yellow carnations and bright yellow daisy poms. It's the perfect petite basket to celebrate any occasion....
Same-Day Florist Delivery in Ottawa
We at Ottawa Flowers are proud to announce that we offer same-day florist delivery for all occasions, at any place, and at all times! Just be sure to book the order before 1 p.m. and let us take care of the rest!
So, if you forgot your anniversary and want to make up for your partner? Reach out to us today for an awe-striking bouquet of luscious roses!
We deliver in all Ottawa areas, be it a university or a hospital, business place or church, and even at hotels, resorts, and funeral homes. Just give us an address and relax.
Delivering Expert Floral Artistry
Special events and occasions seem lifeless without a stunning and warm ambiance to ignite excitement. Especially, the presence of alluring flower arrangements is a must to beautify all kinds of experiences. This is where the incredible artistry of our expert florists comes in play!
All kinds of events from Birthdays, Anniversary, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, and so much more demand expert florists' proficiency. We at Ottawa Flowers ensure that your sentiments are delivered in the best possible way!
So, the next time you want to send a congratulatory bouquet to a friend studying at Ican College, do not forget that Ottawa Flowers Delivery has got your back!
Want to Add a Personal Touch? Check Our Customized Add-Ons
At Ottawa Flowers, we understand and appreciate the true value of a personal touch. Hence, we encourage our customers to seize this opportunity through our extensive customizable add-on options. Think your partner would like a cuddly little teddy bear along with a bouquet of fresh lilies? Or a personalized note from you attached to it?
Worried if your dear one might be allergic to a particular flower in a floral arrangement? Don't worry; we can get it swapped for you. Reckon a customizable add-on with your flower arrangement? We can do that as well. Just tell us what you need, and we'll give it our all to make it happen.
Our team strives to give meaning to your gestures and life to your ideas! Reach out to us today and tell us what you need, and we will make it happen in the best possible way! Spring in a dozen balloons? A box of chocolate? An endearing teddy bear? Or anything you want with our gorgeous flower arrangement. We are here to make your special days even more special!